Painters of Colour
Alberto Garcia-Alvarez, Cat Fooks, Tomislav Nikolic, Matthew Browne
16 March - 1 April
4 Winchester Street
Newtown, Auckland, New Zealand
Tomislav Nikolic has been described by gallerist Andrew Jensen as an artist who “investigates the properties of colour with a scrutiny that positions colour as both subject and content.” Further, Jensen characterises the artist’s frames as “visually startling; their scale and
extravagant behaviour at odds with the delicate manners of much minimalist painting" and the paintings themselves as “both joyful and introspective.”
His words made me wonder: "How can colour make us feel all these things?"
Colour is certainly recognised as a powerful communication tool. It's also been shown to influence mood and elicit physiological reactions. New Zealand’s ubiquitous yellow-and-black COVID signs are evidence that colour can even trigger changes in behaviour.
But what is it about vibrant colour that draws us in or, in some cases, repels us? Do we respond to colour depending on our emotional state? Do cultural and situational factors - for example political environment - have an effect? Are we affected by colour in different ways at times of stress or upheaval?
As our homes increasingly become havens; places to retreat from the 'dangers' of the outside world, we've started to wonder here at TMG whether Colour might actually be Therapy. And as we head into Autumn, we are pleased and proud to present a glimpse into the imaginations of four artists whose vibrant, joyful, colourful, thoughtful, exuberant, glorious and intelligent painting might be just what we all need.